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From no zeros to too many.....

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

We have moved our business headquarters to another country. Many of you might already know that I closed my business in Germany, got married (to a Balinese, Indonesian) and moved from a western country to an Asian country. But now we are finally making the last move...

We now have moved the payment system to Indonesia and the currency to Indonesian Rupiah. This currency has many zeros, but to make things easier for you doll collectors I've added the widget "currency converter" to help with converting.

To the right of the price in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) will be a display of your local currency. The charge to your card will be in IDR though. We hope that soon we will be able to charge in USD, but for now this is how it will be.

Prices are collector prices - if you are a retailer contact me for your dealer discount.

Other than that nothing has changed. It's still me behind the scenes.

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